GRS - GemResearch Swisslab AG

О компании
Since its founding in 1996 by Dr. Adolf Peretti, GRS gemological laboratory’s research has focused principally on three main areas: The identification and characterization of high-quality gemstones from newly discovered mines, and the determination of origin for gems derived from classic mining regions. The identification of gemstone imitations, synthetics, and new gem treatments. Expertise and specialization in color grading and gemstone color branding, such as the well-known GRS-type “pigeon’s blood” and GRS-type “royal blue” color descriptions. GRS Laboratories pledges to make its results transparent to the public through works published in specialized trade journals, GRS’s proprietary publication series «Contributions to Gemology», producing documentaries, and hosting seminars during trade shows and other industry events. The key competence pillars of GRS can be classified into treatment detection, treatment classification, origin determination, and color terminology.
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